Vivacious Health & Beauty is a company that provides preventive health and beauty products for those who desire to look and feel their best. All products are carefully hand-selected for quality and effectiveness by a registered nurse and esthetician with ten years experience in the health and beauty industry. At Vivacious Health & Beauty, we strive to provide our clients with the most advanced and scientifically backed products so that they have the best opportunity to live life vivaciously!
Products sold on our website include nutraceuticals, such as NuLife Science products, which are backed by 30 years of scientific research and clinical studies. Integrative physicians and other healthcare professionals stand by and are recommending these products to help restore patients’ bodies back to their optimal selves.
The spa-grade skincare products are sourced from all natural ingredients and offer promising anti-aging results. Nurse Giavanna personally uses these products and recommends them to her family and friends. Ultimately, her goal is for people to experience a healthy, youthful, and glowing appearance. Upon purchase of Forever I Am skincare products, 10% of all proceeds go toward fighting human trafficking.
Nurse Giavanna has long been passionate about skincare and overall health. She began her career as an esthetician out of highschool. Shortly afterward, enhancing her abilities, she became a medical esthetician, learning advanced esthetic techniques such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and lasers. With this knowledge, she built a clientele and serviced her clients with these advanced skills.
A few years later, wanting to expand her capabilities, she decided to become a Registered Nurse. She worked as a Pulmonary Medicine and COVID nurse during the pandemic. She later became a Nurse Manager at a five star skilled nursing facility. Upon assessing the health of her patients, Nurse Giavanna realized that many health problems were preventable and could be managed with better lifestyle choices.
This inspired her to use her skillset to prevent and restore patients' health rather than just treat symptoms as western medicine is typically known to do. As a result, Vivacious Health & Beauty was born in an effort to help people become the best version of themselves, on the inside and out.